Table etiquettes – Basic to extreme

Table etiquettes – Basic to extreme


If you think table etiquettes are just about arranging the flower table and knowing which spoon to use for your soup? Well, think again. William Horman well says it, “Manners maketh man.”

Table etiquettes
Manners are all about how you act and behave in polite society. It’s about using your etiquette to guide the social situations you’re in. Remember when your grandmother yelled “elbows off the table!” or “chew with your food with your mouth closed!” at you? It wasn’t her simply nagging you about appropriate etiquette. She prepared you for life lessons that set you up for success and a great future.

Do you think people aren’t observing how you conduct yourself at the dinner table?

It would be best if you thought again.

Even if you’re dining with a recruiter, potential business partner, or your manager, you should constantly follow the rules of proper dinner etiquette.

There’s an explanation for why people discuss business over a meal: It’s a strategic way to get to know people. Your behaviour before, during, and after the meal tells the organiser about your character, professionalism, and social understanding.

When it comes to social dining, there are a lot of little nibbles to remember. Which plate to eat in? Which wines to order? How do you get rid of that crazy ketchup stain?

Don’t worry; We at Fraser’s are here to help you. Follow this guide for a few etiquette tips to create a great impression at your next lunch or dinner you’ll have in Fraser’s Restaurant.

Note: This is a roundup of common etiquette tips, but be thoughtful that there are some places in the world where some of these tips and tricks don’t work the same way. If you’re eating in a country that uses etiquette you don’t know, take the time to understand the etiquette for that particular country or ask a friend or coworker ahead of time.

We have compiled this list of 9 etiquette tips to help you leave a pleasing impression and avoid any faux pas.

Be on time.
First things first, we shouldn’t have to inform you of this. Showing up on time is Etiquette 101. Please don’t keep the person or people you’re meeting waiting, and definitely don’t show up as they’re halfway through their entree or appetizer. Show them you appreciate them by valuing their time. And never miscalculate the value of a firm hello and a handshake!

After you’ve taken your seat.
The first thing you should do is put your napkin on your lap. You should leave it there until the end of the meal or until you excuse yourself from the table. There’s some discussion about what to do with your napkin when you get up, but the most standard practice is to put it on your seat until you return. If you’re concerned that your napkin has food on it that could stain the chair or your clothes when you sit back down, then you can place it to the left of your plate instead.

Hold your utensils the right way.
The best way to hold your fork and knife is as you would a pen. With your fork in your left hand and your knife in your right, cut a piece of food. Then, place the knife down on the boundary of the plate, switch the fork to your right hand (if required) and take a bite, and repeat.

When do you start eating?
You should wait until the host or hostess begins to eat, even if others at the table start before them.

Hands to use to find your bread plate and wines.
When in confusion, just look at your hands. With your palms facing each other, join the tip of each pointer finger with the thumbs. You’ll notice that your left hand will form a lower case ‘b,’ and your right hand, a lowercase ‘d.’ These stand for “bread” and “drink,” which you will see to your left and your right, respectively. Well, this is your cue to have McLaren vale wine.

Do not take calls during your meal.
Your cell phone shouldn’t be visible when you have your meal in a meeting. Please keep it away from the table, leave it in your handbag or your pocket, and put it on silent. You don’t want the people you’re dining with to think you hope you were somewhere else, do you? Show your partner, customer, or coworker that it’s crucial for you to be there with them.

Always serve the other person/people before yourself.
If you’re getting yourself some red wine, always ask others first. Pour their wine glass before yourself, and then help yourself. The same is accurate for any other food or beverages. You should also always ask if the other person wants anything when you order for yourself.

Taking a break from eating.
If you are taking a pause from eating, picture your plate as a clock and place your knife and fork at the 3 o’clock position. You can show that you are finished eating by placing your utensils in the 10 and 4 o’clock positions.

When in doubt, don’t get awkward.
If you’re unsure about anything, watch the host or hostess for cues. See how they manage the situation and act consequently. This will almost always be the right course of action.
Whether you are 50 or 15 years old, the necessity of learning the proper table manners and etiquette must have dawned upon you at some point or the other in life. It could be your aunt’s 40th birthday or a formal dinner with someone influential from your country. Regardless of the occasion, embarrassing yourself in front of others is never good.

So, before organizing the next dinner with Fraser’s, run your eyes through the information in the blog to avoid any mishaps.